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“The Darren Turner 2022 Mediumship Survey is now closed”.

I Need Your Help

I have never run a survey before, but I want to do all I can to best understand and serve your needs.I have helped many students over the years with their spiritual development training, and I want to make future training and development opportunities the best they can be for you. And it all starts with my 2022 Mediumship Survey that just went live today!


Mediumship Survey

All answers are collected anonymously, and your response will be a primary factor in shaping the future of what I do.I am so excited about this, Spirit and helping people with Mediumship Development.  I hope you’ll let me borrow a few minutes of your time to take this incredibly important 2022 Mediumship Survey.

Please Click Here to Complete The Survey

Darren Turner
Spiritual Medium and Tutor, Wellbeing Coach
“Do not fear that of the unknown, discover more of life’s great journeys, because the unknown is there to help you.”


As a thank you for your help, you will have the option to enter your email address before you submit the survey. I would like to send you access to a powerful Guided Meditation that I made to help you find peace. This simple but empowering Guided Meditation can help you find peace in amongst our busy day-to-day lives.I have kept the survey short to respect your time. Thank you again, and I appreciate you!